Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Lysosome storage disease

What is lysosomal storage disease ?

Lysosomal storage diseases  are a group of approximately 50 rare inherited metabolic disorders that result from defects in lysosomal function. 

Lysosomal disorders are triggered when a particular enzyme exists in too small an amount or is missing altogether. 

This enzyme is required for the metabolism of lips,proteases,nucleses and polysaccharides. When this happens, substances accumulate in the cell. In other words, when the lysosome doesn’t function normally, excess products destined for breakdown and recycling are stored in the cell.

Lysosomal storage diseases affect mostly children and they often die at a young and unpredictable age, many within a few months or years of birth.

Since lysosomal storage disease is a huge category what are the some examples of these diseases ?

Alternatively to the protein targets, lysosomal storage diseases may be classified by the type of protein that is deficient and is causing buildup. 

Type of defect proteinDisease examplesDeficient protein
Lysosomal enzymes primarilyTay-Sachs disease, I-cell disease,[6] Sphingolipidoses
(e.g., gangliosidosisGaucher and Niemann-Pick disease)
Posttranslational modification of enzymesMultiple sulfatase deficiencyMultiple sulfatases
Membrane transport proteinsMucolipidosis type II and IIIAN-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase
Enzyme protecting proteinsGalactosialidosisCathepsin A
Soluble nonenzymatic proteinsGM2-AP deficiency, variant AB, Niemann-Pick disease, type C2GM2-APNPC2
Transmembrane proteinsSAP deficiencySphingolipid activator proteins
Niemann-Pick disease, type C1NPC1
Salla diseaseSialin

1 comment:

  1. Sulfatases EC are enzymes of the esterase class that catalyze the hydrolysis of sulfate esters. These may be found on a range of substrates, sulfatase
